Saturday, October 5, 2013

Miami Dade Transit Fare Increase

While taking the cta in Chicago last Friday, I noticed the fares were a dollar higher, compared to the $2.00 fare for Miami Dade Transit. As of the 1st of October, Miami Dade Transit raised its price to $2.25, not a drastic increase if you take the train occasionally, as most Miamiams do. Then again, considering how inefficiently Miami Dade Transit operates compared to any other transit system available in many regions of the world, we should be curious as to why the fare is going up. Miami Dade Transit has made notable changes in its service in the last year, with more and revamped hybrid buses and the new Orange line metrorail to the airport. Nevertheless, with higher prices, we should expect better service, for example, an automated intercom person so riders can clearly hear the stops or transfer information. Higher prices might be the only way to help MDT service a widespread  metropolis as ours. According to Miami Dade Transit, this is their first price increase in five years and its serves to “defray operational costs.” Frequent transit users should expect physical improvements and even those who use their cars must see the benefits in increased funding for an extensive transit system. MDT should make more visible improvements for example, fighting against a money-making scheme which could turn the US1 buslane into  a Miami Dade Expressway Authority toll road or adding lightrail on the MacArthur Causeway to make commutes between Miami Beach and Downtown more convenient.  

This fare increase will pose an inconvenience for regular riders with low incomes, those who are not eligible to hold Golden and Patriot passports, and students carrying Easy Cards. This excludes non-senior citizens, non- veterans, and those earning above $22,000 per year. Despite the price increase, taking the Metrobus and Metrorail is still much more afforable than owning a car, for which one must pay the costs of insurance, repairs, and gasoline. Using transit is also safer than driving and its external costs such as the environment and health are less severe. Nevertheless, the price increase will definitely affect students, for example those without a car, travelling to and from Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus or to and from Jackson Memorial Hospital will notice that the one-month pass is no longer $100 but $112.50 and for middle-income workers and students, this is still a big increase. While some frequent riders might “grind their teeth,” as was described by one college student who uses the metro to commute to and from Wolfson Campus everyday, if it helps save time and make transit operations more efficient, the price increase will be worth it. Time is money, after all.

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